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The CEP is currently enrolling new members!

CEP membership is open to institutions and individuals. Institutional members include acute care institutions, long-term facilities, home care providers, healthcare insurers, law firms, and educational institutions. Institutional members designate individuals to attend the CEP’s educational programs. Participants come from a range of professional backgrounds and include clinicians, social workers, case managers, administrators, clergy, ethicists, lawyers, and patient safety personnel.

Institutional Membership: Institutions/organizations designate 1 or 2 individuals who will be given release time to participate in CEP educational programming, and may purchase additional individual memberships at a discount for other personnel in their organizations. It is ideal for these designated individuals to have the position and stature within the institution/organization to enable them to be effective ethics resources and educators within the organization. They should themselves be interested in participating actively in the educational forums. Institutions/organizations should be committed to supporting their designees’ efforts to provide continuing ethics education to staff within the institution. For institutional members, the CEP provides on-site continuing ethics education for institution/organization staff.

Individual Membership: Individuals may join the CEP and participate in classes and conferences. Individual members come from both healthcare institutions/organizations and the broader community. Members need not be healthcare professionals or academics, but may simply share an interest in healthcare ethics and health policy.

Membership Fees

Ready to Join?  

Those interested in membership should complete an intent to participate form.

Contact the CEP 412-623-2033 or to discuss institutional or individual membership, or to arrange a site visit to assess institutional ethics needs.