Upcoming Events:
The CEP provides education in healthcare ethics—clinical and organizational—health policy issues, and policy development through a variety of formats. Below you will find additional information on both upcoming and past programming provided by the CEP.
- Workshop, March 14, 2025
Stories of Loss and Care: Bridging Compassion and Documentation in Healthcare
Location: LaRoche University
Time: 8:15 am - 3:30 pm -
Past Events
- FY 2024-2025
- Workshop, December 9, 2024: Integrated Healing: Exploring the Intersection of Medicine, Religion, and Spirituality in Healthcare.
- Workshop, October 11, 2024: Exploring the Human Side of Healthcare
- Fall Conference, September 2024: Exploring Healthcare Ethics and the Humanities in Medicine in Clinical Practice
- FY 2023-2024
- Workshop, June 11, 2024: Managing Conflict and Optimizing Communication in the Healthcare Setting
- Spring Conference, April 2024: Bioethics Bootcamp: An Intensive Introduction to Ethics in Health Care
- Workshop, March 11, 2024: Care for the Dying Patient: Exploring Ethical, Legal, and Clinical Perspectives in End-of-Life Decisionmaking
- Workshop, December 2023: Healthcare Ethics and Policy in the Clinic, Research and Community
- Workshop, November 2023: Navigating Organizational and Professional Tensions in Healthcare Contexts: Moral Distress, Adverse Events, and Intermediation
- Fall Conference, September 2023: Organizational Ethics, Institutional Policy, and Health Law
- FY 2022-2023
- Workshop, June 2023: Ethics in End-of-Life Care: Patient Preferences, Palliatiave Care, and the Moral Weight of the Advance Directive and POLST
- Bioethics Boot Camp, April 2023: An Intensive Introduction to Healthcare Ethics
- Workshop, March 2023: Social Justice and Resource Allocation in Health Care
- Workshop, November 2022: Ethics in Action - Committees, Consultation and Professional Integrity
- Fall Conference, September 2022: Ethical Issues and Professionalism in Clinical Practice - Foundations, Communication & Conflict Resolution
- FY 2021-2022
COVID-19 continued to have a significant impact on CEP programming in 2021 and the early Spring of 2022, but May 2022 finally permitted our first in-person event since December 2019.
- Workshop, May 23, 2022: Hospital Ethics Committees and Clinical Ethics Consultation--Structure, Process and Insitutional Roles
- Virtual Workshop, March 11, 2022: Ethical Issues in Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery, and Treatment of Blood Disorders, Part II
- Virtual Workshop, February 11, 2022: Ethical Issues in Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery, and Treatment of Blood Disorders, Part I
- Virtual Workshop, January 13, 2022: Ethical Issues in Oncology
- Virtual Workshop, December 13, 2021: Ethical Issues in Genetic Testing for Primary Care, Breast Cancer and Cancer Prevention
- FY 2020-2021
COVID-19 continued to impact CEP programming. As such all programming moved to on-line/virtual.
- Virtual Workshop, December, 8, 2020 - Negotiating Cognitive Difference and Intellectual Disability--Medical Humanities Contributions to Ethical Healthcare
- Virtual Workshop, November 17, 2020 - Ethical Decision Making with Those Who Have Cognitive Differences--What Role Does Empathy Play?
- Virtual Workshop, October 27, 2020 - Tree of Life Tragedy--Reflections on Jewish Rituals, Ethics, and Traditions of Burying the Dead
- Virtual Workshop, October 6, 2020 - The Intersection of Cultural Humility and Medical Ethics--A Case of Femal Circumcision
- Virtual Workshop, September 15, 2020 - The Impact of Healthcare Ethics and Law on the Incarcerated Individual
- Virtual Workshop, August 25, 2020 - Empathy, Sympathy, Compassion and Ethics
- FY 2019-2020
October 2019 the City of Pittsburgh was host to the American Society for Bioethics and Humanities (ASBH) Annual Conference and in lieu of our normal annual weekend conference, the CEP arranged for it's membership to attend.
- Spring 2020 brought the COVID-19 pandemic and with it the cancellation all Spring workshops.
- Workshop, December 6, 2019 - Ethical Issues in Caring for the Young and Old: Similarities, Differences, and Challenges
- Fall Conference, October 24-27, 2019 - American Society for Bioethics and Humanities Annual Conference -- Remembrance and Resilience: How Bioethics and Humanities Can Move Us Forward
- Workshop, September 13, 2019 - Bioethics at the Bedside: Foundations in Clinical Practice, Palliative Care and Decision Making